Free tips on mental wellness, trauma recovery and parenting
Controlling What You Can When Things Feel Out of Control
Sometimes in life we experience stressful things that we didn’t expect, don’t want and have little to no say in. It’s normal during these times to feel like the world has come crashing down and be overwhelmed with sadness, anger or fear. When things around us feel out of control it can be helpful to focus on what is still in our control and build a better tomorrow.
Are You Over-functioning?
Term used to describe people who are fiercely independent, never ask for help no matter how desperately in need they might be, tend to be perfectionists with high expectations of themselves and others, and even find themselves organizing and guiding the tasks of other people in their lives.
Childhood and Trauma and ACEs (oh, my!)
ts more common knowledge then ever that when someone experiences trauma or chronic stress growing up, they are more likely to struggle with their mental health, miss use substances, struggle with relationships, parenting, career goals and even experience more difficulties with their physical health. One of the major catalysts for this increased understanding is the landmark ACEs study. Today we’re going to dive into ACEs research and help you think about what it all means for you and your family
How to Finally Reach Your Goals This Year
We all go into the year so well intended and feeling so energized dreaming about what our new self could be like, yet it rarely ever works! Researchers have found that only 9% of Americans actually achieve their New Year’s goals and 43% have already given up by the end of January. So if you’re struggling to make changes know you are not alone, and there are real reasons why people so rarely reach their goals.
Holiday Survival Tips
The holidays can also be a time of massive stress; running from one event to another, the pressure to get everything perfect for your family, and speaking of family, for so many being around them brings its own kind of stress. Read on to learn some tips to take good care of yourself this holiday season.
Six Ways to Build a Secure Attachment With Your Kids
Building a secure attachment with your children is foundational to their overall well-being. Without a secure attachment everything else you want for your children will be a massive struggle for them and for you as a parent. Secure attachments are needed for healthy relationships, self-esteem, and resilience in the face of life's challenges. In this post will offer tips on how to create a secure attachment with your children.
Attachment 101
Attachment is one of those words that gets thrown around a lot in the world of parenting these days. We hear about attachment theory, attachment style, and attachment parenting. We might think we understand what's meant by these things. Attachment equals a bond, simple enough, right? But there’s a bit more to it, and as a parent or someone who may have experienced attachment wounds, it can be really helpful to have a more detailed understanding.
Religious Trauma: Understanding and Healing the Damage
For many, religion can fulfill spiritual needs, provide a sense of community and belonging, offer comfort during trying times, and give a higher purpose – all things that resonate with so many. However, there are instances where religious frameworks become tools of control, oppression, and even mental, emotional, financial, or physical and sexual abuse. Such experiences can leave deep scars on those who survive them.
Trauma and the News: 4 Tips for Managing News Related Stress
It can feel like bad news is always surrounding us, coming from news stations, social media feeds, or conversations with family and friends. Sometimes it feels impossible to escape from it all. While it's challenging for everyone, it can be especially difficult for trauma survivors.
Summer Survival: 4 Tips for a Great Summer With School-Age Kids and Teens
How many times have you dreamed of a glorious summer only to find that two weeks into it, you can’t wait for the school year to start back up again? Read on for four tips to help your family survive the summer.
What is narcissistic abuse?
Partners and children of of narcissistic abusers often talk about feeling confused, anxious, angry and emotionally drained. Sometimes it can take many years to realize the effects of experiencing narcissistic abuse. So what is narcissistic abuse and how can it impact survivors?
How Our Early Relationships Shape Us
We seem to have somehow developed this idea that looking at past difficulties or trauma is a weakness. We believe that if our past influences our present we just need push it away. You might have even thought that if you talk about struggling due to past experiences you’re not taking responsibility for your actions. The reality couldn’t be further from the truth.
What is Complex PTSD?
Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) is a term first coined in 1999 by Judith Herman in her groundbreaking book Trauma and Recovery. It’s a designation that’s finally making its way into the mainstream of mental health. Though it is not considered an official diagnosis, there are groups trying to make that happen. It's a phrase I’m hearing more from clients these days than ever before, which just speaks to how many people can relate to the experience of complex trauma. Read on to learn more about complex PTSD
Why The Frick Isn’t the Sticker Chart Working: Three Steps to Getting Kids to Cooperate
It’s so simple sounding, just set up a chart of some kind; your child earns a sticker to put on the chart for the good behavior, and after so many stickers you give them a reward of some kind. It can work great, except for when it doesn’t.
Why Are the Holidays So Stinkin’ Stressful and How to Cope
The holidays can be such a magical, joyous time of bonding, celebrating and fond traditions. However, for those who’ve gone through stressful experiences with family it can feel burdensome, hurtful and an incredible let down time after time. For some the holidays can even be a major trigger, leading to arguments with partners, snapping at the kids or just complete withdrawing from life. Read on to learn more about why we can feel so much pressure during the holidays and three tips to give yourself some space.
Emotions, What Are They Good For?
Our society sends all kinds of messages about emotions; they’re messy, they make us act irrationally, they get us into trouble, we all just need to stop being sensitive and be more reasonable. When it comes to emotions some of them feel good, some of them are harder. Sometimes they’re a mild thing we barely notice and sometimes they hit us like a semi-truck going 70 down the freeway. No matter who you are or what’s going on in your life, if you are a human and you have a brain then you have feelings. And contrary to popular belief they serve a purpose other than making you miserable.
Help My Kids Are Triggering Me!
Does this happen in your home?
Your child starts having a hard time with something; maybe they don’t like what you made for dinner, their brother took their toy, or they’re overwhelmed by a homework assignment. If your kid is anything like mine these things can lead to an immediate meltdown, and then your own emotions feel out of control too. Before you know it you're filled with anger, fear, or dread and are completely overwhelmed. Maybe you suddenly find yourself yelling and scolding or just completely withdrawing. You just can’t cope with your kid’s behavior and you can’t use all those great parenting tools you intended for these moments. You my friend, have become triggered.
What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Trauma?
I hear so many times from the people I work with “I don’t know if this really counts as a trauma” or “I know what other people have been through is so much worse” as though their experiences don’t count if they’re not extreme enough.
Self-Care Isn’t Always the Answer
I felt like if I clicked on one more article that told me I just needed to do deep breathing and everything would be fine I just might toss my phone out the window in frustration.